Real Facts NC Terminology Guide

This guide is a resource provided by Real Facts NC to aid in the understanding of identity-based language we use in our messaging. We combined our own definitions with definitions from other sources to define some terms we use in our work. Use this guide to contextualize our work and use it as a guide […]

State Treasurer Dale Folwell: Reckless and Uncaring

Do you know what the state treasurer does or who he is? Republican Dale Folwell frequently made the news during his first term as state treasurer for his recklessness and incompetence. His poor management of the state pension fund could cost teachers, retired state employees and taxpayers more than $350 million in tax returns. He offered a COVID-19 […]

Beware of websites that mimic local news but push misleading content

Metric Media has nearly 40 NC-based outposts, many pushing content on financial contributors to state legislative and other candidates. Nearly 40 websites purporting to be hyperlocal news, some with their own Facebook pages, have popped up across North Carolina. They bear unassuming names like “Outer Banks Times” and “South Raleigh News,” but upon further examination, […]

2020 NEA Report Displays Gap in Spending and Teacher Pay in North Carolina

The NEA has released the latest edition of its 2020 Rankings and Estimates, which show North Carolina continuing to lag behind in spending in teacher pay in North Carolina. Last year Real Facts NC reported that North Carolina ranked near the bottom nationally in per-pupil spending on average. According to 2018-2019 data, North Carolina is 40th in per-pupil spending, a […]